Trouble Shooting Images
Online Image Solutions
2)Make sure the image tag has the correct URL for the image.
A typical image tag looks like one of these:
<IMG SRC="mypic.gif">
<IMG SRC="">
The first tag uses a shortcut that keeps you from typing out the entire url every time. The trick here is that your web page and your images must be on your web server and they must be in the same directory on your web server. So, if you upload everything into one directory (this is usually the default anyway), just use the name of the image rather than the long url. There will be less chance of a mistake. Also, keep in mind the image file name is case sensitive. Even a slight change in case or spelling can lead to a broken image. Each of the image filenames below is a different image to your browser:
mypic.gif MYPIC.GIF
Mypic.gif MYPIC.gif
mypic.GIF MyPic.gif
So, be certain you have the image tag with the exact same case and spelling you see in your list of files on your server. In some cases, a server or FTP program may change the case of the filename. Double check for this on the web server and rename the file if you need to do so.
Now, if you used a full URL address, take the same steps as above, but check the entire URL you put in for the image. If it links to the wrong server, the image will not show up. Again, if the case or spelling is different, you will need to correct it to fix the
broken image.

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