Adding Final Touches to Web Page
Like the input element, the SELECT element is used for querying the user. This element is for creating drop-down or scale able lists of menus. SELECT has a partner element, OPTION, to delimit the choices that the user has for selection. The basic structure of a SELECT element is as follows:

Please select that which interests you:
<SELECT NAME="Interesting">
<OPTION> 3D Graphic
<OPTION> Animation
<OPTION> Internet


The SELECT element offers the user only one response out of the possible choices and this selection is displayed. To permit the user to select more than one response, you need to add the attribute "Multiple":

Please select those which interest you:
<SELECT NAME="Interesting" SIZE=2 Multiple>
<OPTION>3D Graphic


With this, the user can select more than one option. Functionally, this SELECT Multiple element is equivalent to the INPUT element of TYPE="Checkbox", where any number of selections can be made.

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